For this, we recommend, you check out different fastest auto Clickers If you’re a pro gamer, you would want to have multiple clicks in the minimum time possible. A number of antivirus scans using Avast and McAfee, among others, have been proven that OP auto clicker is completely free of any malware or spyware.

If you are wondering ‘ is OP auto clicker 3.0 safe’, the answer is a definite yes. To change hotkey in OP auto clicker 3.0, click on ‘hotkey setting’ at the bottom of the window and change it to whichever key you want to use. If you need to stop the automatic clicking, click the hotkey again. Step 9: When you want to set the op auto clicker in action, press F6. For the latter, you have to provide the X and Y co-ordinates of the exact location where you want to perform the action of automated clicks. Here, you’ve two options use the current location of the curso, or you can pick a location. Step 8: Then comes the curson position for auto clicking.

This will generate an infinite number of automatic clicks until you stop yourself. Alternatively, you can choose to repeat the clicks until you stop them by selecting the option ‘repeat until stopped’. Step 7: In the next selection box, you will have to choose the number of times the clicks should be repeated until they are stopped. This option will appear in the ‘click options’ section by the name ‘click type’. Step 6 : Then select between ‘single’, ‘double’, and ‘triple click’. The key that you select will be used to begin the automation of the corresponding mouse button. Step 5: T hen select whether you want to use the ‘Left’, ‘Right’, or ‘Middle’ button for automating the clicks in the click options settings. To click faster, set the time interval to minimum preferably in miliseconds, but make sure, you’re are in the safe limits. Click interval refers to the time lapse between each automatic click. You can select the time interval from hours to miliseconds, as you deem necessary. Step 4: B egin by setting the ‘click interval’, as per your requirement.